Week 06: Adding Images and Icons

Working with Visual Elements
  1. This week you will be adding more visual elements to your website. You have two tasks to complete: first, creating an image gallery. This image gallery will have eight images, and you will learn how to create and use media queries to change how these images are displayed depending on the device you use to view the page: mobile, tablet, or desktop. Learning about media queries will lay the ground work for further work with Bootstrap Reponsive Elements in week 7. As a bonus you will add some CSS transitions to animate these changes.
    In part two you will learn how to use the very popular Font-Awesome icons to create links to social media in the footer of the website. Font Awesome icons use SVG, or scalable vector graphics, a new web technology. When you add Font Awesome icons to your website, you will not need to upload any new resources, instead you will be using a CDN, or content delivery network, an increasingly popular way to delivery web resources.
  2. Follow the procedures in Step-by-Step: Adding Images and Icons
  3. When you have finished the steps in Step-by-Step: Adding Images and Icons upload your work to your student website and got to Assignments, Tests and Surveys to submit your work for grading. This assignment is due November 10.
  4. The quiz Images and Icons is due on Sunday, November 6, by 11:59pm.
  5. The assignment Step-by-Step: Images and Icons is due on Thursday, November 10, by 11:59pm.


Wayne Joness
West Los Angeles College, cs952